Thursday, December 20, 2018

call directly Ax specific form by clicking Ax icon without navigating in Ax module.

There is a requirement for one of client to open directly Job registration form by clicking Ax icon in desktop.
To Acheive these you have to do below changes.

1.Create a text file and enter the below script and save as JobRegistration.xml.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Run type="displayMenuItem" name="JmgRegistrationClockInOut"/>

2.Go to the Ax client configuration and create a new configuration and specify below

Command to run at the Application startup: AutoRun_C:\Users\axtest1\JobRegistration.xml

save the file as .axc in desktop.

Now you are done,click on the newly created .axc file and it will open directly Ax JmgRegistrationClockInOut form.

X++ job to delete data based on table prefix(cust/vend/kanban etc)

 In the below job we are deleting all data related to Kanban (prefix).you can use it for different prefix,just change the prefix in the code.

static void KanbanDelete(Args _args)
    int i =1;
    SysOperationProgress progress = new SysOperationProgress();
    Common common;
    Name name;
    NumberOf recordCount;
    TreeNode treeNode;
    SysDictTable sysDictTable;
    Connection      connection;
    Statement       statement;
    str             query;
    DataAreaId      currentDataArea;

    treeNode = TreeNode::findNode(#TablesPath);
    treeNode =  treeNode.AOTfirstChild();
    while (treeNode)
        name = treeNode.AOTname();
        if(name like "kanban")
            sysDictTable = SysDictTable::newTableId(treeNode.applObjectId());
            recordCount = sysDictTable.recordCount();
            if (recordCount)
                connection = new Connection();
                statement = connection.createStatement();
                currentDataArea = curext();
                query = "delete from "+name;
                new SqlStatementExecutePermission(query).assert();
        progress.setText(strFmt("%1" ,name));
        progress.setCount(i, 1);
        treeNode = treeNode.AOTnextSibling();


Deploying all SSRS reports or single report in D365FSCM Using PowerShell.

  All reports can be deployed using following commands . 1. Open PowerShell run as administrator  2.Copy and paste below command and enter....