Thursday, July 28, 2011

Research and Execute query difference:

Research and Execute query difference:
When you call the DatasourceName_ds.Research () it will by default execute the Form data source related query and code written in execute query.
When we call the DatasourceName_ds.executequery() it will by default execute the Form data source related query and code written in execute query plus it will consider the query range value ,query related any changes done in any calling place.

In research it will not consider the range value written in clicked method.
In Execute query it will consider the range value.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Basic Business Process flow diagram.

Some basic inventory concept.

Tare weight : It is the weight of the empty curtain or roops or goods protector which are used while transporting/storing one item.
In Ax you can specify the parameter value for a specific item by going
Inventory>Item Details>setup>Item Data>
Gross weight = Net weight + Tare weight.
External item number:
This concept is used when a item is identified by our system(Ax application) different name other than the Customer/vendor given name.
Inventory>Item Details> setup button>Customer Details Description/Vendor Details Description.

Barcode:Inventory>item Details>Setup button>Barecode.
suppose we have different color,size,configuration of Dell laptops in our inventory.
1.17inch LCD black ,i3 processor inspiron 2.15.4 inch LCD blue ,i5 processor inspiron.3.13inch LCD RED,i7 processor inspiron.
We will enter a single item entry in the inventory and create multiple barcodes based on the models available.
This barecodes are used to identify a speicfic configuration,size,color item correctly.

Deploying all SSRS reports or single report in D365FSCM Using PowerShell.

  All reports can be deployed using following commands . 1. Open PowerShell run as administrator  2.Copy and paste below command and enter....